work process / Painter’s Book-stack

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화가의 서가 / Painter’s Book-stack,

Acrylic on canvas, Acrylic Book-stack, Books, 29x92x24cm, 2016

Lee Kyong’s ‘Color as adjective(CAA)’ work is the reinterpretation as a book,

is exhibited in A-route art platform (Gangnam Nonhyun 21-10) until May 27.

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new works in preview


이경X서수한밴드 / Lee Kyong x SSHB,

화가의 서가 / Painter’s Book-stack,

캔버스에 아크릴릭+아크릴서가+책 / Acrylic on canvas, Acrylic Book-stack, Books,



이경 작가의 ‘형용사로서의 색채(CAA)’가 책으로 재해석된 작품. 

전시는 에이루트 아트플랫폼(강남구 논현동 21-10)에서 5월 27일까지

Lee Kyong’s ‘Color as adjective(CAA)’ work is the reinterpretation as a book,

is exhibited in A-route art platform (Gangnam Nonhyun 21-10) until May 27.

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